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1 Mar 2022 11:03 AM | Kate Kidd (Administrator)

Charlotte, NC – The Business Leaders of Charlotte (BLOC) held its 20th consecutive winter community involvement event, BLOC ‘n Bowl, on December 4th at Ten Park Lanes. BLOC members raised funds by soliciting donations for their teams and sponsoring the event.

This event raised funds for the Charlotte Bilingual Preschool, whose mission is to prepare Spanish-speaking children for success in school and life by providing superior dual language early childhood education.  Charlotte Bilingual Preschool serves children birth to 5, but what makes them unique is that they provide dual generation programming to serve their families.

Allie Norman from the Charlotte Bilingual Preschool said “CltBP is grateful to be the recipient of the BLOC n Bowl funding for this year. Funds from the event will go towards an amazing program which we are piloting this year as part of our Workforce Development Approach, called the Apprenticeship Program.”

The Apprenticeship Program provides family members from within the Charlotte community the opportunity to pursue a career in Early Childhood Education. The participants in the program this year are all women. All members of the Latinx community. Many of which had a career in their home country, that didn't translate when they moved to the United States.  All of these women have something in common - their goal is to provide a better life for their children and realize their American Dream.

On February 23, after a brief COVID-Omicron peak delay, BLOC presented the ceremonial check to the Charlotte Bilingual Preschool in the amount of $26,205.75.  

Business Leaders of Charlotte is an alliance of professionals that provide opportunities to build business, grow friendships, and strengthen our community.  BLOC provides a variety of member benefits. Whether you want to give back to the community, are interested in business networking or just want to socialize and meet new people, BLOC provides an opportunity to get involved.  BLOC has raised a total of $571,950.57 for local non-profits since its inception in 2001.  For more information about BLOC please visit our website at www.businessleadersofcharlotte.com


Brett Metcalf, President  |  Brett.Metcalf@proforma.com

Kayla Arnold, Membership Committee Co-Chair  |  Kayla.arnold@ushadvisors.com

Kate Kidd, BLOC Administrator  |  admin@businessleadersofcharlotte.com 


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